Inventing the Universe

“If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first first invent the universe.” Carl Sagan

In my never ending quest to apply everything Dr. Sagan wrote and said to my personal life, I have found myself inventing the universe. Well, I suppose that’s a bit of an overstatement. Maybe I could say I’m inventing myself, which technically works since I am made of the same stuff as the universe.

Why am I inventing myself? Because I was never allowed to do so until a few years ago.

In the course of my attempt at self-invention I have become a non-traditional student now majoring in English. I suffer from regular punctuation confusion, but I will die on the hill of the Oxford comma.

I have far too many children and if you looked at my house from on high, you might see that it does, indeed, look like shoe.

We live in one of the more backwards areas of Southern California where there seems to be a Calvary Chapel popping up on every corner as Conservatives are priced out of Orange County and are slowly seeping into the East, undeterred by our Great Wall of dairy cows.

Which leads me to explain that I am an avowed Atheist. I can readily tell you how, after 45 years as a devout Christian, I woke one morning with the knowledge that religion was hogwash–I read the Bible, all of it, for nearly 45 years. I memorized it, I led AWANA groups and competitions, I studied it, and took classes about it. After I realized that truth, I then moved on to other religious texts and discovered two very important facts. 1) No religion is truthful. 2) All people, across all times, are essentially the same. Sadly, we allow our religions to convince us otherwise.

Recurring themes you may find here are on mental health, specifically PTSD, which I was diagnosed with about five years ago. I also talk about school, and how to get through it when you have PTSD. I talk about parenting, and how to do that when you have PTSD. I sometimes mention books, and how reading is really helpful when you have PTSD. Yeah, when you have a mental illness, it is just a part of everything that you do. There’s no real way to avoid it.

Currently playing on repeat on my iPod (just kidding, I’m not that archaic):